a brief photo gallery from the American Indian Law Alliance and Haudenosaunee Confederacy United Nations Meeting.
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a brief photo gallery from the American Indian Law Alliance and Haudenosaunee Confederacy United Nations Meeting.
Read MoreIt is essential to remember, or learn in the first place, that Columbus’ transatlantic voyages and those of the other European explorers were protected under the Doctrine of Discovery, especially Inter Caetera, issued in 1493 by Pope Alexander VI as…
Read MoreIn 2016 American Indian Law Alliance (AILA) and members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy met with then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon. During the meeting they discussed the efforts to restore Onondaga Lake in particular and Mother Earth in…
Read More“The Iroquois Are Not Giving Up Confronted with a string of unfavorable court rulings, the Confederacy staged a 13-day demonstration to kickstart a social movement” by Julian Taub, Aug 17, 2013.
Read MoreSpeaking at the kick-off event for the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign at the National Museum of the American Indian in NYC on March 12, 2013.
Read MorePlease sign & share widely! Petition to the City of Syracuse & Onondaga County: Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, not Columbus Day! header image via: https://rethinkingschoolsblog.com/2015/11/30/help-rethinking-schools-abolish-columbus-day/
Read MoreAILA was proud to be a sponsor of the 2017 Wooden Stick Festival.
Read MoreToday on the steps of City Hall in New York City, leaders of Indigenous Nations and communities called on Mayor de Blasio to end NYC’s business, contracts and pension fund investments with banks such as Wells Fargo, which are funding…
Read MoreThe media listed below represent the major articles, videos, and audio recordings of the over 2300 listed on Google News regarding the Iroquois Nationals. These were created by international news media between July 8 and July 19th, 2010. They are found in chronological order, with alphabetical order by day. Stories are included without any analysis of content, pro or against, although the against are few and far between. Our list was compiled by Lindsay Speer.
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